Paul Wesley (Pawel Tomasz Wesley) is renowned as an actor and producer. His role on the hit TV show The Vampire Diaries has made the actor extremely popular. Paul Wesley has won several awards including Teen Choice Awards, Young Hollywood Awards as well as other nominations for his TV character. Wesley is an American-born actor who began acting when he was in school. Later he enrolled at Rutgers University. After realizing that his talents as an actor could be a great career, he decided to leave. His first appearance in TV was in the cult American TV soap opera Another World. The CBS Network broadcast 'Wolf Lake just two years following his debut on TV. He reached the pinnacle in his career as he was cast in the role of Stefan Salvatore in the American television show The Vampire Diaries. The show has allowed him to produce a couple of episodes. Since his debut in the movie The Last Run he has appeared in several popular movies. Recently, he appeared on Mothers and Daughters and ...